Tuesday 24 April 2012

Safe Handling of Flammable Chemicals

Safe Handling of Flammable Chemicals
Laboratory personnel should know the properties of individual chemicals with which they work.
The more familiar one becomes with a chemical, the more likely he/she is to handle the
chemical in a prudent manner. There are numerous safety resources available to all employees
who may have questions regarding a particular chemical. If developed appropriately, the
laboratory’s chemical hygiene plan should contain written standard operating procedures for
those chemicals that pose a fire risk in the laboratory. Material safety data sheets (MSDS) are
available through the OESO, as is consultation on safety practices for particular chemicals. The
following are several practices which should always be implemented when handling flammable
 Flammable chemicals should be stored in appropriate areas within the
laboratory and away from any potentially incompatible materials (see Section
2, pages 7‐9). Storage of flammable chemicals outside an approved flammable
storage cabinet should be kept to a minimum.
 Purchases of flammable chemicals should be kept to a minimum.
 All sources of ignition (i.e., Bunsen burners, hot plates, electrical equipment,
etc.) should be eliminated from areas in which flammable or combustible
chemicals are used.
 Use the chemical fume hood to capture vapors when appreciable quantities of
flammable substances are being used.
 Only those refrigerators and freezers approved for flammable storage should
be used for the storage of flammable materials.
 Keep containers of flammable chemicals closed at all times when not in use.
Section 3 Fire Safety
Chapter 3
Defining Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Defining Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Flammable Liquids
Any liquid having a flash point below 100°F and having a vapor pressure exceeding 2068.6 mm
Hg (40 psia) at 100°F.
Class IA — flash point below 73°F and B.P. at or below 100°F
Class IB — flash point below 73°F and B.P. above 100°F
Class IC — flash point at or above 73°F, but below 100°F
Combustible Liquids
Any liquid having a flash point at or above 100°F
Class II — flash point at or above 100°F, but below 140°F.
Class IIIA — flash point at or above 140°F, but below 200°F.
Class IIIB — flash point at or above 200°F.
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) System for Classification of Hazards
The NFPA diamond is a symbol used to identify the hazards associated with a given chemical to
rescue workers. Frequently this symbol is found on the sides of buildings where chemicals are
stored and on chemical containers. Below are shown the various hazards symbolized by the
diamond and the numerical code which indicates the severity of the hazard. Class IA & IB
flammable liquids have an NFPA Fire Hazard rating of 4. Class IC flammable liquids are rated as
3. Combustible liquids are rated as 1, or 2.
4 — Deadly
3 — Extreme Danger
2 — Hazardous
1 — Slightly Hazardous
Flash Points:
4 — Below 73° F
3 — Below 100° F
2 — Above 100 F°, Not Exceeding 200° F
1 — Above 200° F
0 — Will not burn
Oxidizer OX
Alkali ALK
Corrosive CORR
4 — May detonate
3 — Shock and heat may detonate
2 — Violent chemical change
1 — Unstable if heated
0 — Stable
Section 3 Fire Safety
Chapter 3
Defining Flammable and Combustible Liquids
NFPA Fire Hazard Ratings of Some Common Laboratory Chemicals
NFPA Rating Flash Point (°C) Boiling Point (°C) Ignition Temp. (°C)
Acetaldehyde 4 ‐37.8 21.1 175
Acetic Acid (glacial) 2 39 118 463
Acetone 3 ‐18 5607 465
Acetonitrile 3 6 82 524
Carbon disulfide 3 ‐30.0 46.1 90
Cyclohexane 3 ‐20.0 81.7 245
Diethylamine 3 ‐23 57 312
Diethyl ether 4 ‐45.0 35.0 160
Dimethyl sulfoxide 1 95 189 215
Ethyl alcohol 3 12.8 78.3 365
Heptane 3 ‐3.9 98.3 204
Hexane 3 ‐21.7 68.9 225
Hydrogen 4 ‐‐‐ ‐252 500
Isopropyl alcohol 3 11.7 82.8 3
Methyl alcohol 3 11.1 64.9 385
Methyl ethyl ketone 3 ‐6.1 80 515
Pentane 4 ‐40.0 36.1 260
Styrene 3 32.2 146.1 490
Tetrahydrofuran 3 ‐14 66 321
Toluene 3 4.4 110 480
p‐Xylene 3 27.2 138.3 530
Storage of Flammable and Combustible Liquids Outside of Flammable Storage Cabinets
The maximum quantity of Class I Flammable Liquids outside an approved storage cabinet shall
not exceed 2 gallons per 100 square feet of laboratory space.
The combined maximum quantity of Class I, II and III Flammable Liquids and Combustibles
outside an approved storage cabinet shall not exceed 5 gallons per 100 square feet of
laboratory space.
Section 3 Fire Safety
Chapter 3
Defining Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Chemical containers, not actively being used, should not be stored in the work area of chemical
fume hoods. Too much clutter can disrupt air‐flow patterns and potentially compromise worker
Storage of Flammable Liquids in Refrigerators and Freezers
Per enforcement directive from the City of Durham Fire Marshal, all laboratory refrigerators
and freezers must be labeled to indicate whether or not they are suitable for storing flammable
Refrigerators and freezers utilized throughout the University, Hospital, and Medical Center
generally fall within the following three categories:
1. Those designed to store flammable liquids with all electrical equipment that meets Class I,
Division I requirements.
2. Those that have been modified by a licensed electrician to meet the Class I, Division I
3. Those “residential‐types” that cannot be utilized to store flammable liquids, but are used to
store other chemicals or laboratory reagents.
Those refrigerators and freezers which fall into either category 1 or 2 will require a blue and
white label which states that the device is approved for flammable storage. Those which fall
into category 3 will require a red and white label be affixed which states that the appliance is
not approved for flammable storage.
To request aid in identifying the category in which an appliance falls, contact the OESO Fire
Safety Division at 684‐5609.

Gas Cylinder Rule

In exercise of the powers conferred by sections 5 and 7 of the Explosives Act, 1884 (4 of
1884) and in suppression of the Gas Cylinders Rules, 1981, except in respect things done
or omitted to be done before such super‐session, the Central Government hereby nukes
the following rules, namely: ‐
1. Short title and commencement.‐‐
(1) These rules may be called the Gas Cylinders Rules, 2004.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Definitions.‐‐
In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, ‐
(i) "Act" means the Explosives Act, 1884 (4 of 1884);
(ii) "Auto LPG" means liquefied petroleum gas meant for automotive fuel
conforming to specification IS:14861;
(iii) "Chief Controller" means the Chief Controller of Explosives, Government of
(iv) "composite cylinder" means a cylinder made of resin impregnated
continuous filament wound over a metallic or a non‐metallic liner. Composite
cylinders using non‐metallic liners are referred to as all‐composite cylinders;
(v) "compressed gas" means any permanent gas, liquefiable gas or gas dissolved
in liquid under pressure or gas mixture which in a closed gas cylinder exercises a
pressure either exceeding 2.5 kgf/cm2 abs (1.5 kgf/ cm2 gauge) at +15° C or a
pressure exceeding 3kgf/ cm2 abs (2 kgf/ cm2 gauge) at + 50° C or both;
Explanation ‐ Hydrogen Fluoride falls within the scope of compressed gas
although its vapour pressure at 50° C is 1.7 to 1.8 atmospheric gauge;
(vi) "Conservator" in relation to a port includes any person acting under the
authority of the officer or body of person appointed to be Conservator of that
port under Section 7 of the Indian Ports Act, 1908 (15 of 1908);
(vii) "Controller" includes the Joint Chief Controller of Explosives, the Deputy
Chief Controller of Explosives, the Controller of Explosives and the Deputy
Controller of Explosives;
(viii) "Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)" means mixtures of hydrocarbon gases
and vapours, consisting mainly of Methane in gaseous form, which has been
compressed for use as automotive fuel;
(ix) "CNG mother station" means CNG facilities connected with natural gas
pipeline and having a compressor meant primarily to fill mobile cascades of
daughter station. Such stations may also have stationery cascade for CNG
dispensing to vehicles;
(x) "CNG online station" means CNG facilities connected with natural gas
pipeline and having a compressor primarily to fill stationary cascades for
dispensing CNG to vehicles;
(xi) "CNG daughter station" means CNG facilities not connected to natural gas
pipeline. Such CNG dispensing station receives CNG through mobile cascade;
(xii) "critical temperature" means the temperature above which gas cannot be
liquefied by the application of pressure alone;
(xiii) "dissolved acetylene cylinder" means a cylinder having a valve and with or
without safety devices, containing a porous mass, a solvent for the storage of
dissolved acetylene and at least sufficient acetylene to saturate the solvent at
atmospheric pressure and at a temperature of +15° C;
Explanation.‐Acetone or any other solvent used shall not be capable of chemical
reaction with the acetylene gas or with the porous mass or with the metal of the
cylinder or valve;
(xiv) "dissolved gas" means a gas which under pressure is dissolved in a fluid
solvent appropriate to the particular gas as for example, acetylene in acetone or
ammonia in water;
(xv) "district authority" means‐
(a) a Commissioner of Police or Deputy Commissioner of Police in any
town having a Commissioner of Police; and
(b) in any other place, the District Magistrate;
(xvi) "District Magistrate" includes an Additional District Magistrate, and in the
States of Punjab and Haryana and in the Karaikal, Mahe and Yanam areas of the
Union Territory of Pondicherry, also includes a Sub‐Divisional Magistrate;
(xvii) "filling pressure" means the maximum permissible gauge pressure,
converted to + 15° C, at which a gas cylinder for permanent gas or gas dissolved
under pressure can be filled;
(xviii) ''filling ratio" means the ratio of the weight of a liquefiable gas introduced
in the cylinder to the weight of the water the cylinders will hold at 15°C;
(xix) "flammable gas" means any gas which, if either a mixture of 13 per cent or
less (by volume) with air forms a flammable mixture or the flammability range
with air is greater than 12 per cent regardless of the lower limit and these limits
shall be determined at atmospheric temperature and pressure;
Explanation.‐"flammability range" means the difference between the minimum
and maximum percentages by volume of the gas in mixture with air that forms a
flammable mixture;
(xx) "Form" means a Form set forth in Schedule V;
(xxi) "Gas Cylinder" or "Cylinder" means any closed metal container having a
volume exceeding 500 ml but not exceeding 1000 litres intended for the storage
and transport of compressed gas, including any liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
container/compressed natural gas (CNG) cylinder fitted to a motor vehicle as its
fuel tank but not including any other such container fitted to a special transport
or under‐carriage and includes a composite cylinder, however, the water
capacity of cylinders used for storage of CNG, nitrogen, compressed air, etc.
may exceed 1000 litres up to 2500 litres provided the dia meter of such cylinder
does not exceed 60 cm;
(xxii) "high pressure liquefiable gas" means a liquefiable gas having a critical
temperature between ‐ 10° C and + 70° C;
(xxiii) "hydrostatic stretch test" means subjecting the cylinder to a hydrostatic
pressure equal to the test pressure of the cylinder and recording the permanent
stretch undergone by the cylinder;
(xxiv) "hydrostatic test" means the test to which a cylinder is subjected to a
hydrostatic pressure equal to the test pressure of the cylinder;
(xxv) "import" means bringing into India by land, sea or air;
(xxvi) "inert gas" means a gas which is resistant to chemical action under
normally encountered conditions;
(xxvii) "inspecting authority" means a person having qualifications and wide
experience in the field of design, manufacture and testing of gas cylinders and
recognised by the Chief Controller as authority for inspection and certification of
gas cylinder;
(xxviii) "installation" means any premises wherein any place has been specially
prepared for the manufacture (filling) or storage of compressed gas cylinders;
(xxix) "liquefiable gas" means a gas that may be liquefied by pressure at ‐10° C
but will be completely vaporised when in equilibrium with normal atmospheric
pressure (760 mm. Hg) at 17.5°C which value shall be increased to 30°C for toxic
(xxx) "liquified petroleum gas" means any material, which comprises
predominantly of any of the following hydrocarbons or mixture of them with
vapour pressure not exceeding 16.87 kg/cm2 (gauge) at 65° C:‐
Propane (C3H8), propylene (C3H6), butane ((C4H10), (n‐butane and isobutane)
and butylene (C4H8);
(xxxi) "low pressure liquefiable gas" means a liquefiable gas having critical
temperature higher than +70°C;
(xxxii) "manufacture of gas" means filling of a cylinder with any compressed gas
and also includes transfer of compressed gas from one cylinder to any other
(xxxiii) "oxidizing gas" means a gas which gives up Oxygen readily or removes
hydrogen from a compound or attracts negative electrons;
(xxxiv) "permanent gas" means a gas whose critical temperature is below ‐10°C
that is to say a gas which cannot be liquefied under any pressure at a
temperature above ‐10°C;
(xxxv) "poisonous (toxic) gas" a gas which has a maximum allowable
concentration in air for human respiration not exceeding 100 mg/m3 at 15°C
and 1 kgf/cm2 absolute pressure;
(xxxvi) "Schedule" means the Schedule annexed to these rules;
(xxxvii) "tare weight" in relation to ‐
(1) acetylene cylinder means the weight of the cylinder together with
any fittings, permanently attached and includes the weight of valve any
safety device, porous mass, requisite quantity of solvent for dissolving
acetylene, and the weight of acetylene gas saturating the solvent at
atmospheric pressure and temperature of 15° C;
(2) liquefiable gas cylinder means the weight of the cylinder together
with any fittings permanently attached thereto and includes the weight
of valve;
(3) permanent gas cylinder means the weight of the cylinder together
with any fittings permanently attached thereto and excludes the weight
of valve;
(xxxviii) "test pressure" means the internal pressure required for the hydrostatic
test or hydrostatic stretch test of the cylinder, as follows:‐
(1) For permanent and high pressure liquefiable gases, it should be
calculated from the following:
Ph = Test pressure in kgf/cm2
Do= Outside diameter of the cylinder in mm.
t = Minimum calculated wall thickness of the cylinder shell in mm.
Re= Minimum specified yield strength of the material of cylinder in
kgf/mm2, it is limited to 75 per cent of the minimum value of the tensile
strength in the case of normalised cylinder and 85 per cent of the
minimum value of the tensile strength for quenched and tempered
cylinder, provided that the value of test pressure shall not exceed 80
per cent of the yield strength.
(2) For low pressure liquefiable gas ‐ One and a half times the saturated
vapour pressure of the gas at 65°C or as specified in IS:8867, whichever
is higher;
(xxxix) "transport" means the moving of a cylinder filled with any compressed
gas from one place to another;
(xxxx) "water capacity" means the volume of water in litres, a cylinder will hold
at 15°C.;
(xxxxi) "working pressure for low pressure liquefiable gas" means the saturated
vapour pressure at 65°C;
Explanation.‐ The values of saturated vapour pressure of different gases are
specified in IS:3710;
(xxxxii) "working pressure for permanent gas" means the internal pressure of
the gas in the cylinder at a temperature of 15 C;
(xxxxiii) "yield strength" means the stress corresponding to a permanent strain
of 0.2 per cent of the original gauge length in a tensile test. For practical
purpose it may be taken as a stress at which elongation first occurs in the test
piece without the increase of load in a tensile test.

Surakshit bachpan

Mr.Ramit Sharma(SSP Faizabad) on 14 april 2012

Mr.R.K.Pande(C.F.O Faizabad) On 14 april 2012

14 April 2012

Yearwise comperrative data of fire and rescue calls

Uptodate distribution of resources(Staff and machines))


1 C.F.O Shri R.K.Pande

2 F.S.O  Shri Prabhaker.Pandey

L.F.M                      SRI.Lallan.Ram


4 L.F.M M.Alam

5 L.F.M Rameshwar.Pd

6 L.F.M R.B.Singh

7 L.F.M J.M.Yadav

8 L.F.M V.P.Pandey

9 L.F.M Mohd.Nizaam

10 F.S.D Raj Mangal.Singh

11 F.S.D P.N.Tiwari

12 F.S.D R.P.Pandey

13 F.S.D R.S.Mishra

14 F.S.D P.Kumar

15 F.M S.Ahmad

16 F.M J.B.Singh

17 F.M J.P.Rai

18 F.M H.P.Patal

19 F.M D.R.Paswan

20 F.M H.N.Vishvkerma

21 F.M Atal k.Singh

22 F.M Amrandra

23 F.M Arvind Rana

24 F.M Brijpal

25 F.M V.K.Singh

26 F.M Balram Mishra

27 F.M Bhrat Singh

28 F.M Mohd.Yahiya Khan

29 F.M R.R.Pandey

30 F.M Sushil Kumar

31 F.M Fekan Singh

32 F.M Ayub Khan

33 F.M Dinesh Dubey

34 F.M D.K.Mishra

35 F.S.D  Rangilal

Faizabad Fire Service